I just released from the project last week. I've already delivered what I commit to the project and the client. I gain a lot of knowledge from my colleagues and clients. The problem is, I work with this project 7 months, and I gain 7 kilograms. If I work here longer, I may transform myself to big balloon.
What should I do next, read, rest, travel or work? I think this is the good time to read and workout. I have plenty of books to read, actually I bought them since book fair last year but hardly have time to look at. To finish all of them, I may have to spend 3 months or more. And if I want to loose 10 kilograms, I need at least 10 years @^_^@
Due to I didn't travel much last year because of work, so there is not much travel pictures to share. You can see follow linked below. Hope I can travel more this year.
Have a nice day.