19 May 2009

Dear everyone

Due to Geocities will close their free web service soon, so I change to update my story at Google Blog. Lucky that there still has free thing in this World, otherwise my story will send to you via plain text e-mail.

I officially released from PTTCHEM project after 1 month support and close April accounting book. Client (user and IT) can work on their own, any issues will be solved follow their regular support process. If count by month, I spend 1 year in this project. This is the longest project I ever work with since I am a free lancer. I learn a lot from this project, I think more than what I contribute. Experience here make me a better consultant.

It's time to plan for the next step, vacation or new project (stay still or work). I still have plenty of time to think about it. Nothing better than keep in touch with old friends, taking care of family and rest @^_^@

Have a nice day.


1 May 2009

Dear everyone

I will release from my current project next week after April month-end closing support. It's time to have a big break although I always have a small break almost every week. Work as part-time let me have some slot to travel during working day, travel in Summer is my favorite. I love sunshine and outdoor activity so much. Travel in this time is good for our country, every dollar we spend will help our people. But to avoid any risk from economic crisis, I should looking for the new assignment soon. Otherwise I will have no more money to travel in Winter.

I think I have at least one month break, you can recommend interesting travel place or activity to me. But I don't think there is so much place to go during Rainy season. Or you can have lunch or dinner with me some day.

Have a nice day.
