Dear everyone
I wish you have a very good time on May day and also everyday @^_^@ I love long weekend so much, sleeping all day long is my favorite activity : ) If the holiday is longer, I will enjoy diving or sun bathing somewhere far way from Bangkok @^_^@ Travel is my favorite too when I have money.
Actually I was engaged with the project since February, this contract is full-time job till the end of this year. I work with new client, new location, new consultant team but same salary @^_^@ There always has a lot of good things happen in the project, every project I work with has its own attractive. I always gain a lot of experience and knowledge when working. The more I work, the more I rich @^_^@ Simple equation.
Now I work for Abeam Consulting, the client is Asahi Kasei Thailand. This is my first time working at Hi Tech Industrial Estate. Only 3 months, I think I drove more than 5,000 KM from home to client office. Very tired, but I have to do it for money...oops...for client @^_^@
Please take good care.