19 June 2011

Dear everyone

I've just submitted one deliverable follow the project milestone, it is almost 3 weeks that I were very busy with this. It makes me feel release to complete this task on time. Lucky that I have a good team and very nice client, the difficult thing becomes smooth @^_^@

Like a special reward, I have one week off after this task done. So I have to left my adorable client to somewhere @^_^@ Actually I don't like to travel during rainy season, but stay still in Bangkok is not my favorite too. I have a very short time again to plan for my journey, but it's not that difficult because there are so many places in mind @^_^@ easier than work.

I've just come back from the North, spent eight days at Chiangmai and one day at Chiangrai is very nice. I have a very good time there although there is rain almost everyday. I love to travel at the North in the Winter, but this time during rain is also good. I enjoy travelling around and having local food, I gain 4 KGs now @^_^@ I think I will be there again in the Winter.

Please take good care and have a nice day.
